Your Gateway to VR, AR & Digital Twin Solutions

Create, deploy and scale immersive experiences to boost industrial operations, all within a ready-made platform.

Why Choose VisarXperience?

Get Foundation & Customize

Use a backbone of the VR/AR/DT solution with CAD files, convert 2D to 3D model, and customize it for different projects.

Combine Multi-Sourced Data

Apply 3D point cloud models & create a  VR/AR/DT solution integrating real-time data into one analytic module.

Enable Data-Driven Decisions

Use data from hardware sensors to enable digital twin simulations and run predictions for various operational situations.

Save Your Time & Costs

Start your project with pre-built libraries, plugins, and documentation saving time & costs for solution development.

Improved field task efficiency by 40% and reduced rework by 75% are achieved with the help of VR, AR & Digital Twin solutions.

*According to Forrester

How Do You Work With VisarXperience?

Create custom VR/DT/AR solutions and scale to your business needs

Deploy platform software fast or withdraw if necessary

Use a private/public cloud matching your security & accessibility preferences

*No vendor lock-in. We're giving your developers all libraries, documentation, a sample app, and the code.

Key Features & Functions

Environment Creation

  • Integrating CAD data 

  • Designing custom space

  • Dynamic interaction

VisarXperience Avatars

  • Support for ReadyPlayerMe, AvatarSDK, or Visartech avatars

  • Mixamo & custom animations

Authentication & Security

  • Custom authentication system

  • Security audits passed

  • Data within company network

On-Demand Customization

  • Brand-styled environment 

  • Domain-tailored scenarios

  • Up and down scaling 

User Interaction

  • Multiplayer & networking

  • Voice & text chats 

  • Shared virtual whiteboard 

Add-on Features

  • Built-in platform admin system

  • Integrated web browser

  • Automated cloud deployment

VR, AR & Digital Twin Solutions You Can Create

Digital Twin

  • Streamline data structure & management

  • Forecast manufacturing situations

  • Enhance prototyping


  • Get collaborative workspace

  • Create risk-reducing training simulations

  • Make virtual tries-on and sales presentations

VR Training

  • Strengthen emergency response

  • Guide operational processes

  • Practice complex assembly

Virtual Assistant

  • Detect the equipment’s flaws

  • Get optimization instructions in real-time

  • Manage regulatory compliance on the go

VisarXperience in Action

Explore the various VR, AR & Digital Twin solutions our partners develop using VisarXperience platfrom

About Visartech

For over a decade of our extensive technology experience, we have selected the best solutions and tools to create a platform that assists in VR/AR & Digital Twin solutions development. We strongly believe that with our ready-made platform businesses worldwide can improve domain-specific operations and overall productivity.

VR/AR/DT Development



Global Partnerships



Proven Experience



Launch into VisarXperience

Get personalized guidance on how to implement the perfect VR/AR/DT solution in your business!


  • VisarXperience is a development platform with the necessary libraries, plugins, and documentation for creating software solutions with VR, AR, MR, and 3D functionality. With our set of pre-made features like 3D avatars, voice & text chats, and a shared virtual whiteboard, you can create a bespoke platform in 2+ weeks (depending on your customization requirements).

  • When you use VisarXperience, all the datasets remain in your company network infrastructure. This mitigates any issues regarding data breaches or unauthorized access from external entities.

  • VisarXperience allows your teams to use the ready VR/AR/DT app through standalone devices or web browsers. It also works seamlessly with the latest VR headsets like Oculus Quest, Apple Vision Pro, HTC Vive, and Microsoft Hololens.

  • Since VisarXperience allows you to add on-demand features to software solutions, development duration may vary. However, thanks to the built-in functions, you save time in building a foundation of the VR/AR/DT platform compared to starting a new application from scratch. Namely, the development of a simple app can take 2 weeks.

  • The idea of the industrial metaverse is to merge digital and physical worlds. Using it in manufacturing processes, decision-makers better understand the past and forecast the future. If this still sounds unrealistic, consider the following industrial metaverse applications that already exist:

    • Virtual prototyping. Industries like automotive and aerospace are using virtual prototyping to design and test products before physically manufacturing them. Compared to traditional prototyping, this approach saves resources for creating a material asset.

    • Remote Maintenance. By using VR devices in the metaverse, you can overlay digital information onto physical equipment, making maintenance and troubleshooting easier.

    • Supply Chain Optimization. Review the entire supply chain process in the metaverse to identify and address bottlenecks faster.

    • Smart Factories. These plants rely on real-time data analytics and automation to improve production processes and reduce downtime.

    • Collaborative Design and Planning. Working on design or problem-solving tasks is challenging among remote teams. A shared environment addresses this challenge.

    • Employee Training. With the industrial metaverse, machine operators can receive guidance and training from experts located anywhere. This approach also guarantees safe training conditions.

  • By using VisarXperience, you can develop 4 types of digital twins:

    • Asset Twin. This type means a copy of a physical asset like a piece of machinery or future product.

    • System Twin. Digital twins can also simulate an entire production line. including machinery, materials, and workflows.

    • User Twin. A user digital twin represents the activities and interactions of workers within a production space.

    • Factory Twin. This is a comprehensive digital copy of an entire manufacturing facility with its layout, equipment, and infrastructure.

  • We are accustomed to associating VR with immersiveness, especially when talking about its efficiency for employee training. As an illustration, a PWC study shows that VR learners acquire knowledge faster than in physical classrooms and experience a boost of 275% in their confidence to apply these skills in a work setting.

    However, the most practical benefit of this technology is the creation of a secure yet interactive space where workers can acquire all types of skills. It’s especially important for industrial production where employees work in life-threatening situations. Traditional training methods might fall short in preparing them for these challenges. They often involve theoretical classroom learning or on-the-job training which is much more risky.

    With the implementation of VR, employees train in a controlled digital environment that mirrors real-world workplace conditions. They can interact with virtual machinery, practice emergency protocols, and simulate complex tasks, all being secured from actual dangers.

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